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Campaigning to cut Newcastle Airport's impact on the climate emergency, your health and your life
Updates and news
Noise complaints up to August 2023
We've analysed all the noise complaints submitted since early 2022. Most of you said the noise "woke me up" and/or "made me anxious"...
Ultrafine particles from aircraft engines can endanger lives
There is growing evidence that ultrafine particles of atmospheric pollution emitted by aircraft engines (and vehicle engines) can affect...
Manston Airport expansion: legal challenge rejected
As with Bristol Airport, the High Court is facilitating Manston Airport re-opening and expansion. On this occasion it has rejected a...
Bristol Airport expansion – why should this matter to us?
North Somerset Council rejected a proposed expansion of Bristol Airport in 2020 on climate change and environmental grounds. That...
Aircraft noise – your health at risk?
It’s long been scientifically established that noise can be bad for your health. Traffic and industrial noise have received a lot of...
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