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Manston Airport expansion: legal challenge rejected

Updated: Mar 30, 2023

As with Bristol Airport, the High Court is facilitating Manston Airport re-opening and expansion. On this occasion it has rejected a request for a Judicial Review of the decision to allow the development made by the parliamentary under secretary of state for transport.

Previously, the Planning Inspectorate had concluded that the benefits of this development would not outweigh its impacts and that development consent should not be granted.

The airport owners, RiverOak Strategic Partners had applied for permission to upgrade and reopen the airport primarily as a freight airport, with some passenger services, with a capacity of at least 12,000 aircraft movements per year. Residents who asked for the Judicial Review said, “Manston Airport will cause irreparable harm to the people, environment and the economy of east Kent”.

This matters to us because the High Court is clearly providing no protection from Airport Expansion even when it results in increased impacts on the environment and climate change. The Manston campaigners are working to appeal the Judical Review refusal.


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