Aviation Net Zero – an illusion?The Royal Society has produced a policy briefing on the options aviation has for enabling UK aviation to reach Net Zero by 2050 (far too...
Manston Airport expansion: legal challenge rejected As with Bristol Airport, the High Court is facilitating Manston Airport re-opening and expansion. On this occasion it has rejected a...
Bristol Airport expansion – why should this matter to us?North Somerset Council rejected a proposed expansion of Bristol Airport in 2020 on climate change and environmental grounds. That...
The Airport's Noise groupNewcastle Airport is required to run an independent Airport Consultative Committee (ACC). It’s supposed to allow the communities around...
Not happy with the AirportMany thanks to everybody who has done the survey. It’s still live so, if you haven’t already filled it in, it’s here. 47 people have...
Noise complaints and the Airport's repliesThe Airport’s replies to complaints all appear to be using a default template adjusted to suit each complaint in terms of time of day and...
Google reduces aircraft emissions? Really?According to a BBC news item "Google 'airbrushes' out emissions from flying, BBC reveals" (here), Google has modified the algorithm that...
We ask the Airport (again!) what it's going to do about aircraft noiseWe've sent some questions to the Airport. You can see and download what we have asked here. We've consistently asked the Airport to...